Dr Nadia Buhannad, Ph.D

//Dr Nadia Buhannad, Ph.D

Psychological & Educational Consultant & Trainer

  • Ph.D. in educational psychology & gifted education from the University of Arizona, USA
  • S. in educational psychology from Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA
  • A. in psychology from UAE University, UAE
  • CEO & Founder of Dr. Nadia Buhannad Development & Guidance, previously known as Sikologia Consultancy and training since 2000 till date.   

Beside her current job, previously she worked as:  

  • Visiting professor in Aljazeera University in Dubai 2010.
  • Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, UAE University 1997 to January 2005.
  • Assistant Dean for research in the faculty of humanity and social sciences at the UAE University 1998-2000.
  • During her position as an assistant professor Dr. Nadia was in charge of following up the teaching assistances in department of psychology at UAEU who studies in the US and UK (following up with their advisors’ reports and submitting final recommendations).
  • A research assistant for the department of social sciences at University of Arizona, USA
  • Developed the Ideal Arab Mother & Ideal Arab Family award, and is the head of the evaluatingcommittee DSF, since the year 1999 to 2009. (Dr. Nadia introduced the concept of writing own success story for the candidates to apply for the award, also, the concept of field visits were suggested by her. It was the first award in the UAE and maybe the Gulf that introduced story writing and field visits).  
  • Developed the Emirates Business Women Award and was the head of the committee for, DQG (2003 & 2004). Dr. Nadia introduced the concept of writing own success story for the candidates to apply for the award, also, the concept of field visits were suggested by her. It was the second award in the UAE and maybe the Gulf after the family award that introduced story writing and field visits).
  • Founder & president of Emirates Psychological Association (EPA), 2003-2004 & 2006-2007.